© Torthorwald Community Council
Torthorwald Community Council      serving the community

Collin Village Hall

Contact: Jonah Thurgood Tel: 01387 751138 Available for private hire or community groups to use for events, parties, meetings etc. Has capacity for 90 people, disabled access including disabled toilet and hearing loop for hard of hearing. Kitchen facilities and separate meeting room at rear of hall. Various activities eg. Post Office outreach facility every Tuesday and Thursday from 11.45 to 13.45, social group, WI, dog training. collinvillagehall@gmail.com Collin Village Hall facebook

Torthorwald Village Hall

Bookings - Donna Rae 073591941 Activities - Private hire Bowling in winter Bingo monthly Scots night St Andrews night Quiz night email - torthorwaldhallhire@gmail.com

Cruck Cottage Heritage, Torthorwald

Cruck Cottage, Shield Hill Road, Torthorwald. Approx 17th century cottage originally with mud walls and heather thatch roof. For more details and to visit the cottage contact www.cruckcottage.com or contact Bill Lawson 01387 750202 email cruckheritagetorthorwald@gmail.com
Cruck Cottage, Torthorwald

Collin Social Group

Contact: Ray and Linda Bastow 750515 raycar_56t@btinternet.com Meetings monthly on 2nd Wednesday in the month. 2pm – 4pm Collin Village Hall. All residents welcome. Speakers, outings, bingo, quiz etc and always a cup of tea and home baking.

SWI Collin Rural

Contact - Jean Wilson 750642 dumfriesshire@theswi.org.uk Meet in Collin Village Hall on third Wednesday of every month. 2.30 - 4.30 pm. Various speakers - contact Jean for details.

200 Club

Contact: Tom Florey 07702875701 or email topcat619@btinternet.com Run by the Community Council to provide finance for events and projects that the community plan. The club is licensed and regulated by the Regional Council as a lottery. Any resident in the parish boundary is welcome to join the club. Members pay 6monthly or annually or by Direct Debit. Cash payments can be collected from each part of the TCC district. The draw takes place each month with 4 prizes of £5 and top prizes of £15 and £50 New members are always welcome. Winning numbers are announced on the various parish notice boards.

KTT Church

Kirkmichael Church, Tinwald Church and Torthorwald Church. www.kttchurch.org.uk Interim Moderator - David Gibson, contact - gibson186@btinternet.com The Locum Minister is Rev Mhairi Wallace - contact 07701 375064 or mhairiwallace54@gmail.com Session Clerk:Andrea Houston – Phone 01387 263652 email: andrea07@hotmail.co.uk Assistant Session Clerk:May Copeland Phone 01387 860235 Treasurer:Tom Riddet – email: tom@donneers.co.uk

Torthorwald Community Group

https://wwwfacebook.com/Torthorwald-Community- Group-115475225531780/

Kirkmichael, Tinwald and


Church of Scotland Guild

New members welcome. Contact: Nessie Carson (Leader) 01387 750225. Morag Brown (Secretary) 01387 710292